Results for 'Benjamin Donald Oakes'

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  1.  14
    Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie 7, Année 1961Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie 7, Annee 1961.Benjamin E. Wallacker, Donald Holzman & Michel Cartier - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):677.
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    The Continental Model: Selected French Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century in English TranslationJean-Paul Sartre: The Philosopher as a Literary Critic.J. L. Hill, Donald Schier, S. Elledge & Benjamin Suhl - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):568.
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  3. Benjamin Britten aan Henry Boys.Donald Mitchell - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Het is wreed, weet je, dat muziek zo mooi kan zijn. Ze heeft de schoonheid van de eenzaamheid & van pijn; van kracht & vrijheid. De schoonheid van de teleurstelling & de nimmer verzadigde liefde. De wrede schoonheid van de natuur, en de eeuwigdurende schoonheid van de monotonie.'.
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    Designer Biology: The Ethics of Intensively Engineering Biological and Ecological Systems.Immaculada de Melo Martin, Valentina Urbanek, David Frank, William Kabasenche, Nicholas Agar, S. Matthew Liao, Anders Sandberg, Rebecca Roache, Allen Thompson, Stephen Jackson, Donald S. Maier, Nicole Hassoun, Benjamin Hale, Sune Holm & Scott Simmons (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Designer Biology: The Ethics of Intensively Engineering Biological and Ecological Systems consists of thirteen chapters that address the ethical issues raised by technological intervention and design across a broad range of biological and ecological systems. Among the technologies addressed are geoengineering, human enhancement, sex selection, genetic modification, and synthetic biology.
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    Reflections on Benjamin Nelson's Sociology of Civilizations.Donald A. Nielsen - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.), Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 119.
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    Benjamin Britten: A Commentary on His Work by a Group of Specialists.Donald Mitchell & Hans Keller - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (3):402-403.
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  7. The Personality of a Personality Cult? Personality Characteristics of Donald Trump's Most Loyal Supporters.Benjamin Goldsmith & Lars Moen - 2025 - Political Psychology 46 (1):225–243.
    The unusually loyal supporters of Donald Trump are often described as a cult. How can we understand this extreme phenomenon in U.S. politics? We develop theoretical expectations and use the Big Five personality dimensions to investigate whether Trump's most loyal supporters share personality characteristics that might make them inclined to cult-like support. We find that (1) Trump's supporters share high levels of Conscientiousness; (2) this is substantively and statistically distinguishable from the commonly identified association between Conscientiousness and Conservatism; and (...)
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    Dr. Benjamin Rush and the Negro.Donald J. D'Elia - 1969 - Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (3):413.
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    Year One of Donald Trump’s Presidency on Climate and the Environment.Andrew Light & Benjamin Hale - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):1-3.
    When Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States in November 2016, many observers in the U.S. and international environmental communities began voicing concerns about the range...
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    Benjamin Franklin. I. Bernard Cohen.Donald Fleming - 1954 - Isis 45 (1):119-120.
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    A. Cornelius Benjamin 1897-1968.W. Donald Oliver - 1968 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 42:163 - 164.
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  12. Review: Donald William Bradeen; Malcolm Francis McGregor, Studies in Fifth-Century Attic Epigraphy. [REVIEW]Benjamin D. Meritt - unknown
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    Natural right and liberalism: Leo Strauss in our time: Benjamin Lazier.Benjamin Lazier - 2009 - Modern Intellectual History 6 (1):171-188.
    Not long ago, the actor and playwright Tim Robbins directed a production in New York and Los Angeles called Embedded. The play is strange, but nowhere more so than in one, infamous scene: a black mass in honor of the deceased political philosopher Leo Strauss, conducted by candlelight by advisers to President Bush in the run-up to the Iraq war. Characters who are transparent representations of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice masturbate with abandon, (...)
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    Anxiety, Guilt and Freedom: Religious Studies Perspectives.Benjamin J. Hubbard & Bradley E. Starr - 1989 - Upa.
    Discusses three concepts crucial to an understanding of the nature of religion: anxiety, guilt, and freedom. The various essays examine these from the viewpoint of several different religious traditions, movements and thinkers. Contents: Editor's Preface. Donald Gard: A Personal Perspective. Part I. Guiltless Morality; The Family of Changing Woman: Nature and Women in Navaho Thought; The Sacraments as "Fear-provoking" and "Awe-inspiring" Rites in the Greek Fathers; The Doctrine of Karma; Two Concepts of Predestination in Current Islamic Thought. Part II. (...)
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    The wild and the wicked: on nature and human nature.Benjamin Hale - 2016 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    A brief foray into a moral thicket, exploring why we should protect nature despite tsunamis, malaria, bird flu, cancer, killer asteroids, and tofu. Most of us think that in order to be environmentalists, we have to love nature. Essentially, we should be tree huggers—embracing majestic redwoods, mighty oaks, graceful birches, etc. We ought to eat granola, drive hybrids, cook tofu, and write our appointments in Sierra Club calendars. Nature's splendor, in other words, justifies our protection of it. But, asks (...) Hale in this provocative book, what about tsunamis, earthquakes, cancer, bird flu, killer asteroids? They are nature, too. For years, environmentalists have insisted that nature is fundamentally good. In The Wild and the Wicked, Benjamin Hale adopts the opposite position—that much of the time nature can be bad—in order to show that even if nature is cruel, we still need to be environmentally conscientious. Hale argues that environmentalists needn't feel compelled to defend the value of nature, or even to adopt the attitudes of tree-hugging nature lovers. We can acknowledge nature's indifference and periodic hostility. Deftly weaving anecdote and philosophy, he shows that we don't need to love nature to be green. What really ought to be driving our environmentalism is our humanity, not nature's value. Hale argues that our unique burden as human beings is that we can act for reasons, good or bad. He claims that we should be environmentalists because environmentalism is right, because we humans have the capacity to be better than nature. As humans, we fail to live up to our moral potential if we act as brutally as nature. Hale argues that despite nature's indifference to the plight of humanity, humanity cannot be indifferent to the plight of nature. (shrink)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Louise M. Berman, Michael Jb Jackson, Scott Walter, Lois Weiner, Edward L. Edmonds, Mark B. Ginsburg, Benjamin Hill, Donald Vandenberg & Karen L. Biraimah - 1994 - Educational Studies 25 (2):163-189.
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    Davidson, first-person authority, and direct self-knowledge.Benjamin Winokur - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13421-13440.
    Donald Davidson famously offered an explanation of “first-person authority”. However, he described first-person authority differently across different works—sometimes referring to the presumptive truth of agents’ self-ascriptions of their current mental states, and sometimes referring to the direct self-knowledge that agents often have of said states. First, I show that a standard Davidsonian explanation of first-person authority can at best, and with some modification, explain the presumptive truth of agents’ self-ascriptions. I then develop two Davidsonian accounts of direct self-knowledge—one accounting (...)
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    History in a post-truth world: theory and praxis.Marius Gudonis & Benjamin T. Jones (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis explores one of the most significant paradigm shifts in public discourse. A post-truth environment that primarily appeals to emotion, elevates personal belief and devalues expert opinion has important implications far beyond Brexit or the election of Donald Trump, and has a profound impact on how history is produced and consumed. Post-truth history is not merely a synonym for lies. This book argues that indifference to historicity by both the purveyor and recipient, (...)
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    Benjamin A. C.. Some realistic implications of operationalism. Ditto, 4 pp.Williams Donald C.. Designation and empirical certainty. Ditto, 5 pp.Nagel Ernest. Charles S. Peirce, pioneer of modern empiricism. Ditto, 3 pp.Waismann Friedrich. Zu: Ist die Logik eine deduktive Wissenschaft? Erkenntnis, vol. 7 no. 5/6 , pp. 374–375. [REVIEW]Ernest Nagel - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):171-171.
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    The Kantakouzenoi Donald M. Nicol: The Byzantine Family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus), ca. 1100–1460. A Genealogical and Prosopographical Study. (Dumbarton Oaks Studies, xi.) Pp. xliv+265; 15 plates. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, 1968. Cloth, $10. [REVIEW]Anthony Bryer - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (02):219-222.
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    It's All about the Benjamins!Stacey Ake - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (2):76-78.
    Hatred As A Sign Of Life. We've seen a lot of this in the last year, in the last four to five years, in fact. So much hatred that people were willing to risk their lives rather than wear a mask to protect themselves (and others) from COVID-19.So much hatred against them... against the other... against those others.If nothing else, this past year made strikingly visible the divides that exist in the United States, and yet the nature of the major (...)
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  22. On Development: World, Limit, Translation.Victoria I. Burke - 2002 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 31 (2).
    Martha Nussbaum and Seyla Benhabib have raised the question of how the Western subject might engage with the non-Western other in a non-imperialistic fashion. However, both of these feminist thinkers propose a universalist framework, consistent with Donald Davidson’s conclusions regarding the translatability of ”conceptual schemes”. Drawing upon the thought of G.W.F. Hegel and Walter Benjamin, I argue that the historically constituted subject that emerges in the wake of the Enlightenment affords an account of subjectivity that recasts the meaning (...)
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    The "we" of speculative philosophy.Benjamin Crowe - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 173-190.
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    The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times.Benjamin R. Barber - 1988 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The description for this book, The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times, will be forthcoming.
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  25. Four versions of double effect.Donald B. Marquis - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (5):515-544.
    Recent discussions of the doctrine of double effect have contained improved versions of the doctrine not subject to some of the difficulties of earlier versions. There is no longer one doctrine of double effect. This essay evaluates four versions of the doctrine: two formulations of the traditional Catholic doctrine, Joseph Boyle's revision of that doctrine, and Warren Quinn's version of the doctrine. I conclude that all of these versions are flawed. Keywords: double effect, intention, Joseph Boyle, medical ethics, Warren Quinn (...)
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    Coptic Christianity in Ottoman Egypt. By Febe Armanios.Donald P. Little - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1).
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    Topics in Conditional Logic.Donald Nute - 1980 - Boston, MA, USA: Reidel.
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    On the analysis of performance operating characteristics.Donald A. Norman & Daniel G. Bobrow - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (6):508-510.
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    Discovering clinical phronesis.Donald Boudreau, Hubert Wykretowicz, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, Abraham Fuks & Michael Saraga - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):165-179.
    Phronesis is often described as a ‘practical wisdom’ adapted to the matters of everyday human life. Phronesis enables one to judge what is at stake in a situation and what means are required to bring about a good outcome. In medicine, phronesis tends to be called upon to deal with ethical issues and to offer a critique of clinical practice as a straightforward instrumental application of scientific knowledge. There is, however, a paucity of empirical studies of phronesis, including in medicine. (...)
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    The network approach to psychopathology: a review of the literature 2008–2018 and an agenda for future research.Donald J. Robinaugh, Ria H. A. Hoekstra, Emma R. Toner & Denny Borsboom - 2019 - Psychological Medicine:1-14.
    The network approach to psychopathology posits that mental disorders can be conceptualized and studied as causal systems of mutually reinforcing symptoms. This approach, first posited in 2008, has grown substantially over the past decade and is now a full-fledged area of psychiatric research. In this article, we provide an overview and critical analysis of 363 articles produced in the first decade of this research program, with a focus on key theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions. In addition, we turn our attention (...)
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  31. Informatics and professional responsibility.Donald Gotterbarn - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (2):221-230.
    Many problems in software development can be traced to a narrow understanding of professional responsibility. The author examines ways in which software developers have tried to avoid accepting responsibility for their work. After cataloguing various types of responsibility avoidance, the author introduces an expanded concept of positive responsibility. It is argued that the adoption of this sense of positive responsibility will reduce many problems in software development.
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    A Chinese Ethics for the New Century: The Chi'en Mu Lectures in History and Culture, and Other Essays on Science and Confucian Ethics.Donald J. Munro - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
    Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life offers a bold new assessment of the role of the domestic sphere in modernist literature, architecture, and design.
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    Mediations of the female imaginary and symbolic.Jan Campbell - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (2):41-60.
    Many critics view Irigaray's work as an extension or deconstruction of a Lacanian paradigm. Few actually analyse it as a direct challenge to Lacanian concepts of symbolic subjectivity, and the consequent, alternative framework this would envisage. This article discusses a poss ible beyond the phallus, in relation to mediating concepts of the female imaginary and symbolic within her work, and an understanding of the female imaginary and symbolic within different feminist interpretations of the maternal imaginary and symbolic, arguing that the (...)
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  34.  39
    Single- and Dual-Task Balance Training Are Equally Effective in Youth.Benjamin Lüder, Rainer Kiss & Urs Granacher - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Political justice in France: The Dreyfus affair and after.Benjamin F. Martin - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (5):809-826.
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  36. Vico's science of imagination.Donald Phillip Verene - 1981 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Preface Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) was throughout his mature years professor of Latin Eloquence at the University of Naples. His works, first written in ...
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    The German CinemaPolitics and Film.Donald W. Crawford, Roger Manvell, Heinrich Fraenkel, Leif Furhammer & Folke Isaksson - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (1):118.
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    Computation: Part of the problem of creativity.Merlin Donald - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):537-538.
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    Some Central Elements of Socratic Political Theory.Donald Morrison - 2001 - Polis 18 (1-2):27-40.
    The fundamental concepts of Socratic political theory are statesmanship or the art of politics, and the good of the city. Important scholars have denied that, on Socrates’ view, statesmanship as such is possible. But Socratic intellectualism does not commit him to the view that the methods of politics, such as legislation and punishment, are useless. The Socratic tradition in political theory is rich and varied. Among the dimensions of variation are: the relationship between statesmanship and other arts of rule; what (...)
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    Do's and don'ts in the search for faculty talent.Donald Lee Vardaman, Shellye A. Vardaman, Henry Findley & Isabelle Warren - 2012 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education:1-5.
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    Firm Newness, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Ethical Climate.Donald Neubaum, Marie Mitchell & Marshall Schminke - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (4):335-347.
    Faced with the liability of newness, a scarcity of resources, and concerns of survival, new firms frequently encounter difficult ethical decisions and might be pressured to make choices that run counter to the tenets of more developed ethical and moral reasoning. This study explores the impact of newness and entrepreneurial orientation on the ethical climate of firms. Data collected from 304 individuals across 37 firms indicated that firm newness was more strongly related to ethical climate than was an entrepreneurial orientation. (...)
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    (1 other version)Defeasible Deontic Logic.Donald Nute - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):89-94.
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    The Snail’s Shell: Electronic Media and Emigrant Communities.Donald R. Browne - 1999 - Communications 24 (1):61-84.
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  44. Kierkegaard's ontological and ethical conception of Christian being.Benjamin Vialle - 2011 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 4 (1).
    Though much philosophical and theological debate centres on various aspects of religious life, the very definition of a religious life in any given tradition is often unclear. This paper focuses on Christianity and asks, what does it mean to be a Christian? Kierkegaard‟s authorship offers an insightful conception of Christian being. An ontological account of being in „correct relation‟ and an ethical imperative to imitate Christ and love one‟s neighbour constitute Kierkegaard‟s idea of what it means to be a Christian. (...)
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    23 A voice is worth a thousand words: the implications of the micro-coding of social signals in speech for trust research.Benjamin Waber & Michele Williams - 2012 - In Fergus Lyon, Guido Möllering & Mark Saunders (eds.), Handbook of research methods on trust. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar. pp. 249.
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    Harvesting the biological potential of the human gut microbiome.Benjamin P. Willing, L. Caetano M. Antunes, Kristie M. Keeney, Rosana Br Ferreira & B. Brett Finlay - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (6):414-418.
    Graphical AbstractIdentifying the properties and molecules of the intestinal microbiome may help our understanding of various diseases and therefore facilitate their treatment; from excluding pathogens to manipulation of the immune system and regulation of non-intestinal sites.
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    Cognition in the Head and in the World: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Situated Action.Donald A. Norman - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (1):1-6.
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  48. The Authority of the Bible.Donald G. Miller & Wm. B. Eerdman - 1972
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    (1 other version)Metaphor, Truth, and Definition.Donald Stewart - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (2):205-218.
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    Why Be regular?, part I.Benjamin Feintzeig, J. B. Le Manchak, Sarita Rosenstock & James Owen Weatherall - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65 (C):122-132.
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